TL;DR edition:
Got Bad News and Good News regarding the state of this website:
First, the Bad News: Because of storage limit of 500MB, I can't upload any more of my artwork and photos on to my website via Wix.
Good News: Luckily after many trials and errors, as well as researching some decent website builders with a big enough storage space, I found one via 8b. Yes, I had to pay annually just to put my name on it, but at least I can have as many artworks I can upload without having to worry on storage limit (though there's this annoying nitpick that my pics have to be 3MB in size but still).
This also means that in the future uploads, new artwork will be showing up in my new website but don't worry on my now old website: I'm not going to completely erase this website; it's going to be on archive mode and besides, the previous artworks that are on my current site (apart from Shadow Hearts + Penn y Blood) are more of selected highlights than full blown collection.
Hope you like my new website and also pay a visit or two :D