#jnyn30day|#仁ゆな30日 OTP Challenge PDF Fanzine available on 18th December

I'm very happy to announce the GoTsu fanzine 30 Days is going to be on sale on 18th December, featuring 44 pages of the fan illustrations I drew as part of the Drawtober #jnyn30day|#仁ゆな30日 OTP Challenge now in a higher resolution without the pesky watermark on them as well some new and fanzine-exclusive ones :D
Oh man, I haven't been so energetic to make fanzine since the Syd+Kat one back in 2017 because I just everything on Jin and Yuna's relationship - from the actors' performances (thank you Daisuke Tsuji + Sumalee Montano:3) to their interactions with each other even though it's not explicitly romantic in-game and also just a good excuse to make some Juna fanart once per day during October as replacement to Inktober lol
Currently the fanzine's in PDF via digital download but I'll be willing to sell the fanzine in physical copy form if I get enough feedback to tell me so (and might add in some extra goodies as well). It depends on how much interest it will gather as well as handling the problematic logistics side of publishing and postage costs and how many copies their digital counterpart sell
Oh and one more thing, if you're willing to pay £2/$2/150円 extra on Gumroad/BOOTH or head to my Flurly store for £8/$10, you can get these lovely A5 PDF digital prints and the best part they're print-ready so you can physically hang them to your wall or something

30 Days - GoTsu Juna/jnyn/仁ゆな fanzine will be on sale at both Gumroad, BOOTH and Flurly online store for £6/$8 (Gumroad) and 850円 (BOOTH) on Friday 18th December